Coronavirus Crisis: What you need to know

Last Monday saw the launch of Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), but it feels more like a month ago.

Activity shows that the CBILS lenders have been inundated with applications. There are 40 accredited funders, but not all of them can provide cashflow loans and overdraft facilities. Some funders are only approved for asset finance, but there aren’t many businesses buying new assets. Some of these asset finance companies are lobbying for the British Business Bank to include asset refinance. Undoubtedly this would be beneficial to business owners who have cash tied up in their vehicles, machinery, plant and equipment.

One of the hot topics of the week was the issue over personal guarantees (PGs). At the start of the week most banks and other funders were making PGs. However, following complaints, the government chided the lenders over this practice. By the end of the week, banks appeared to have decided not to ask for PGs for facilities under £250,000. It will be interesting to see how that works in practice. As banks do not tend to want to be unsecured, even if it is only for 20% of their debt. Bearing in mind, they are still exposed for £50,000 on loans of £250,000. Will the banks strengthen their credit criteria? Could this potentially impact the credit process speed and application success rate?

The loan application information required

I have seen a few posts on LinkedIn from bank managers describing the information required. It is substantial to say the least. SMEs must be cautious and not assume that funding support will be a given. We spoke to a respected bank manager who described the information required to apply:

  • Explain how coronavirus has affected your business.
  • Explain what steps you have taken to try and safeguard your business (reduced hours, cost cuts, furloughed staff).
  • Explain what other forms of government help you have applied for or not been able to apply for.
  • Provide a minimum of 12 months forecasts showing the impact on your business. This will be used to justify the amount of loan you are claiming for and needs to take into account the other measures you have taken, i.e. VAT deferments, loan and asset finance payment holidays, rent breaks, Job Retention Scheme help, new shareholder capital introduced and extra terms from suppliers. To help with this profit and loss (P&L), balance and cash flows are advisable.
  • Recent trading financials – up to date management figures to show how your business was trading.
  • The loan must be fully repaid by the end of the term requested, so make sure to apply for a realistic amount and term.
  • There is a lot of information here for SMEs to put together. Therefore, this could take some time for them and their accountants to be able to finalise their application and present it to the bank.
What happens if the bank says no?

It’s unclear how long it’s taking for the banks to currently make decisions, but the tidal wave of enquiries, plus the strain on the bank’s resources due to payment holiday requests and remote working, must have impacted negatively. As an estimate from successful submission, following the information gathering project, to decision and the release of funds, must now be up to three weeks.

What are the alternatives for businesses that need access to funds more quickly or perhaps fall outside of the credit appetite of their bank?

For these businesses, there are several options, including: asset refinance, invoice finance and non CBILS business loans. These can be provided by non CBILS accredited funders who are very much open for business. Above all timeframes are much shorter, and from decision to the release of funds, could take as little as seven working days.

If you business has felt the impact of the coronavirus, PMD can discuss these alternatives with you. If you’d like more information, call one of our business finance experts now on 0161 633 2548. Alternatively, you can email or follow us on LinkedIn.

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) is managed by the British Business Bank on behalf of, and with the financial backing of the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). British Business Bank plc is wholly owned by HM Government and is not authorised or regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Full details on CBILS and the list of participating CBILS lenders can be found on the British Business Bank website at:

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