Updated CBILS FAQs – Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme

Business owners are asking lots of questions about the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS). So, in order to help provide answers to those frequently asked questions, we’ve created an updated CBILS FAQs document.

Commonly asked questions are:

  • How do I know if I’m eligible to apply?
  • How can I access the scheme?
  • Are sole traders and freelancers eligible?
  • How long is it taking to gain approvals?
  • What supporting documents might I need to apply?

Please download our updated CBILS FAQs here.

Please note, we will update this document as and when new questions arise.

If you’d like more information, call one of our business finance experts now on 0161 633 2548. You can also email info@pmdbusinessfinance.co.uk or give us a follow on LinkedIn.


You can find out more about the services we provide by visiting our business services page. Facilities include asset finance, invoice finance, structured finance, property finance and much more. As well as this, we also offer customers cashflow facilities such as business loans and merchant cash advance.

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) is managed by the British Business Bank on behalf of, and with the financial backing of the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). British Business Bank plc is wholly owned by HM Government and is not authorised or regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Full details on CBILS and the list of participating CBILS lenders can be found on the British Business Bank website.

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